March 2009

Earth Hour in Japan was too bright

Here is a short follow-up to earth hour in Japan. I tried to monitor some newspaper and other media about this event in Japan. It was not a big concern, I found. So here is a video about this worldwide event that start in Sydney in 2007. Will Japan be more involved in 2010? We should hope so. Click on this link to watch a 3:13 minute good video on this event.

Special Earth Hour Sutra

Candles at Fushimi Inari Kyoto

Candles at Fushimi Inari Kyoto

I visited the Earth Hour Web Site and wanted to use the widget showing the time left before the Earth Hour , selection by country. On the roll down selector, I realized Japan was not on the list then (it has been corrected since). Whatsoever, some friends invited us over and we decided that we will bring candles for this very special moment. If you read this article in time, remember to switch off your light for one hour Saturday night, march 28th, wherever you are on the planet. The gesture is to show your support and vote for the planet. If you keep the light on, you are actually voting for the Global Warming.
A candle light gives us some inner peace. If you live in a city, watch the skyline change for a little while. We might save energy during this hour, but the target here is different: the world leaders are meeting in Copenhagen, they must get the message of 1 billion earth voters. Leave a trace of what you think. Visit the Earth Hour website and vote in one way or another.
Vote Earth and find out How on this link

Did you see any difference?

Kyoto’s Secrets

Coming up, a series of photos from Kyoto’s secrets.

Photos and tips will progressively be added, please visit this site once in a while.

A Traditional Umbrella Shop in Kyoto

Umbrella-making is a refined art confined to the hands of great and very few artists. There is a small shop with a tiny little display space by one of numerous temples in Kyoto. The Wagasa umbrella shop stands proudly as the “only producer of traditional umbrellas in Kyoto” just by the Hokyo-ji Temple, in a narrow street, only meters from Horikawa Dori. When visiting Kyoto, inquire about this revealed secret. These beautiful umbrellas could cost you quite a fortune, but if you can’t afford them, don’t give up. A shop attendant will be happy to show you a good selection of these superb works of art that are discounted because of minor defects. In time of glory, they were fashionable, an accessory that would complement the traditional wear and bring pride and beauty to its owner while she, and even he, were walking along a river, in a garden or in the streets of the old capital.
Blue sky and rice stars Umbrella Kyoto

Blue sky and rice stars Umbrella Kyoto

These works of art can also give an Asian touch to your apartment without you falling into tacky decoration. Get them for a special event or open one in your office to bring new light in your workplace. If you don’t go to Kyoto, you can order on line. The following link will get you to their website and give access to a lot more information.  More on Wagasa Umbrella Shop



Head Monk at the Chishaku-In June 15th 2008

Head Monk at the Chishaku-In June 15th 2008

*The aspect of these umbrellas varies in size, shape and colors. Here is a big red umbrella used to protect the head monk from the sun during the must see Chishaku-In Temple festival, held on June 15th. Visit the following site for great pictures and information on this temple and many others in Kyoto. Link to Chishaku-In. When Queen Elizabeth and Princess Diana came to Kyoto Palace, a similar, but bigger red umbrella was used for their protection.

Honen-In Is One of Kyoto’s Secret

Honen-In Kyoto

Honen-In Kyoto

Honen-In is definitely one of these secrets. Small is beautiful, they say. This temple and its garden are just behind the Philosopher’s Path, near Ginkaku-Ji. Get in, discover the beauty of simplicity and breath the peaceful aura of this quiet surrounding.

L’éphémère beauté des cerisiers en fleurs

Par Denis Plamondon
Photos: Sandra D'Sylva et Denis Plamondon

Cerisiers en fleurs et Azur profond

Cerisiers en fleurs et Azur profond

Cerisier en fleurs Variété

Cerisier en fleurs Variété

La période de l’éphémère beauté des cerisiers en fleurs est en cours au Japon. Le phénomène en croissance s’observe à partir du sud en montant vers le nord du pays et traverse le cœur de Kyoto vers la fin mars, début avril.

Cerisier en fleurs au Palais Impérial de Kyoto

Cerisier en fleurs au Palais Impérial de Kyoto

Qui n’a pas vu, depuis sa naissance,  de ces images pastelles ou l’expression de cette merveille de la nature au cinéma, dans les livres ou dans les œuvres d’artistes de talent? Qui ne se rappelle pas de la pluie de fleurs de cerisiers à la fin du film « Le dernier Samouraï »? Qui ne garde pas en secret dans ses coffres de rêves, le désir de vivre un jour l’expérience d’une ballade champêtre au milieu d’une telle symphonie florale?

Clocher au temps des cerisiers

Clocher au temps des cerisiers

Le temps des cerisiers en fleurs représente l’un des plus beaux événements de l’année au Japon et les japonais accueillent ce moment avec une affection instinctive qui tient plus de la ferveur que de la tradition.
Temple Hirano Porte Jinja

Temple Hirano Porte Jinja

Porte Shito Temple Heiian Kyoto

Porte Shito Temple Heian Kyoto

Marcher en présence de cette splendeur transforme en lumière le sentiment exhorté de l’extérieur.

La fleur du cerisier

La fleur du cerisier

La sérénité jaillit en silence alors que la manifestation de la douceur s’acharne à nous charmer de l’intérieur.

Les abricotiers en fleurs précèdent l’événement dans les derniers jours de février alors que le temple Shinto Kitano Tenmangu accueille dans ses enceintes le festival des abricots (25 février).

Geisha au Festival des Apricots Kitano Tenmangu Kyoto

Geisha au Festival des Apricots Kitano Tenmangu Kyoto

Le grand bazar qui survient le même jour à chaque mois, se remplit alors de fervents visiteurs afin de profiter de l’exceptionnelle présence de maïkos et geishas.

Les abricotiers en fleurs

Les abricotiers en fleurs

La magie de cette vision paradisiaque engendre un sentiment de bonheur et atteint son paroxysme le long du canal de Lac Biwa ou sur le chemin des philosophes près du temple bouddhiste Ginkaku-ji. Les arbres s’alignent et forment un décor hallucinant.

Pont entre les cerisiers Kyoto

Pont entre les cerisiers Kyoto

Seul ou dans la foule, le spectacle vous touche au cœur. La beauté des cerisiers en fleurs passe vite. Elle coule le long d’une rivière ou s’accumulent comme une poudrerie au sol. On ne peut la provoquer, elle apparaît selon le cycle des saisons.
Cumul des fleurs de cerisier au sol

Cumul des fleurs de cerisier au sol

Elle me rappelle les paroles de Rainer Maria Rilke qu’il écrivait au jeune poète : La création ne peut subir de pression. “Elle attend en silence les fruits de la gestation et enfante à terme : Après le printemps, l’été vient.”

Vous pouvez aussi vous inspirer de la simulation de cette floraison grâce au lien suivant: :
Cliquez sur l’onglet “avancer” pour amorcer l’animation.
Autre site pour les prévisions florales: Jnto Website

Origami : An inspiring Video

Click on the following link to view a very inspiring video about Origami and the power of an Idea. The link was provided from an Twitter User that we keep anonymous. Thank you for this person who contributes to this website dedicated to the Japanese Scene.

En préparation: Un Article sur les cerisiers en Fleurs

Pont entre les cerisiers Kyoto

Pont entre les cerisiers Kyoto

La saison des cerisiers en fleurs est commencée ou s’approche selon le lieu géographique où vous vous trouvez. Je publierai bientôt un court texte et un montage de photos sur les cerisiers en fleurs à Kyoto. Vous pouvez aussi vous inspirer de la simulation de cette floraison grâce au lien suivant: :

Cliquez sur l’onglet avancer pour amorcer l’animation. Si le lien ne fonctionne pas, cherchez-le dans la colonne de droite sous la rubrique “Plan a trip to Japan?” – Cherry Blossom Map.

Mrs. Tambourine Woman in Shibuya

Mrs Tambourine Women playing jazz in Kimonos and beating for a Slot Machine in Shibuya

Mrs Tambourine Women in Kimonos advertizing for a Slot Machine in Shibuya

Sunday March 15th,

A burlesque fanfare captivated my attention while walking through the animated streets of Shibuya, Tokyo. A clarinetist performs his jazz on his corner while two lively women dressed in Kimonos keep the beat on their drums to attract customers into the Slot Machine Parlor just behind them. The sign of her board says something like “It’s a 5 Yen Slot, Anyway, Play”.

Mrs Tambourine Women Shibuya

Mrs Tambourine Women Shibuya

Pedestrians pass by, more amused than interested. It is just funny to see a traditional outfit with such a vaudeville like performance. The “manga” cartoon behind them has something to do with being in the middle of a big tilt.

Mrs Tamoubine Woman by a Screamer

Mrs Tamoubine Woman by a Screamer

I stayed a while to see how successful they would be to bring in customers in the Pachinko building. But they don’t seem to have such luck. Meanwhile, there is a foreigner distributing some pamphlets behind me. He delivers them, one at the time, parsimoniously, choosing his target. He offers me one. There is a shop with good sales, nearby, apparently. But this is not the reason he came to me. I did not shave this morning, because my pearl comes back from overseas tonight; she likes this kind of rough look of an unshaven man. Is it why this fellow asks me if I want to get some “Guja” or “Gaja”?

I said “What?” A bit surprised. I do have an idea of what he is referring to, but I never knew the term, here in Japan. So, he repeated something like “Want some Gaja”?. I ask him to say it again, because I couldn’t understand clearly with his so “cool” accent. He lowers his voice like Austin Power would do with something else in mind, though, and mentions that he has some marijuana to sell! Well, well. I could only decline. If you read this blog and you know the right term, please bring me out of ignorance and give a comment on this short article.

Mrs Tambourine Women Tsukuji

Mrs Tambourine Women Tsukuji

Meanwhile, on the other side of the city, The Tambourine Women advertize another delicacy in the Tsukuji area, around the fish market. Life must go on.

Fushimi Inari Kyoto

Fushimi Inari Kyoto

A Marvel in the Sake Land

By Denis Plamondon
Photos by Denis Plamondon/Sandra D'Sylva

Fushimi Gates Outer View

Fushimi Gates Outer View

Going to Fushimi Inari Shrine is certainly one of the best destinations in Kyoto. If you are looking for an inspiring environment, trigger your soul with a set of surprising locations and give your body a journey to breath in fresh air with a good pulse, you should pay a visit to this exceptional site.

Fushimi Inari Shops

Fushimi Inari Shops

Once you past the typical souvenirs and local’s shops – try the sweets or the famous sake – you will start to go uphill.

Celestial Gates Fushimi Inari

Celestial Gates Fushimi Inari

The orange gates with a black base are numerous. They form two long tunnels in which you enter with a certain amount of admiration until you wonder why they so many are.

Choose your way in Fushimi Inari

Choose your way in Fushimi Inari

Each door is a donation from a benefactor and bears its name, the emperor’s period and replaces the old one. Before you begin your excursion, use the long rod of the wooden spoon to reach the water and pour it on your hands in a gesture of respect, of yourself.

Water purify your soul

Water purify your soul

As you may already know, the site is a Shinto Shrine dedicated to the god of rice, sake and prosperity – if you like sake, the Fushimi Area offers great opportunities to visit a sake factory. Why don’t you join the two events while you are around?

Shrine Inari with wooden shoes

Shrine Inari with wooden shoes

On your way up, you will encounter many little shrines and two foxes at the entrance of each one. These are not gods but Inari’s messengers and servants.

Foxes Guardian of Inari

Foxes Guardian of Inari

As you ascend the mountain and the countless stairs, you will reach a nice little pound. This is a good place to pause and to contemplate. Feel the silence, enjoy the enlightenment of your thoughts while following these nice and patient birds flying over the lake.

Bird on the Roof

Bird on the Roof

The shrine there has a nice altar and the monks will help you with your any donation.

Shinto Altar

Shinto Altar

Along the way, one finds Japanese style restaurants and automatic machine for refreshments. The magic will not be gone because of it, though. You will get used to it in Japan. On a hot day, you will appreciate a cold drink.

Lantern at Fushimi Inari

Lantern at Fushimi Inari

If you are not fit when you arrive in Japan, you will when you leave. Unless you stay put in front of your TV at your hotel. You will spend many hours there as the loop is long, although you can choose to a certain extent how far you are ready to go for the health of your spirit and body.

Leaving Las Inari Fushimi

Leaving Las Inari Fushimi

Access from Kyoto Station: JR Nara Line, Inari Station

To read more:

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October 22sd is a great day to be in Kyoto (Jidai-Matsuri) and Kurama (Hi-Matsuri). The site of the later festival is absolutely exciting. Take the Train from Demachi-Yanagi until the last station. Arrive early and warmly dressed because there are lots of people and it gets quite chilly at night. The big torches are lighted at dark and the participants parade up and down a couple of long streets reciting a mantra like sound to scare the demons away. The climax happens when all the torches are aligned in the stairs going up the temple in the mountain.

Our camera encounters the devils that night and the troubleshooting did not allow us to take that many pictures. So please refer to the following website for great pictures of this event :

Please come back later

This blog is just shaping up!


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